Pricing & Packages

Bronze package

1 hour photoshoot
Can Include two horses
Non edited gallery delivered
€40 extra for 15 professional edited pictures of your choice In colour and Black and White.
€100 extra for fully edited gallery


Silver Package

1 hour photoshoot
Can Include 2 horses
Professional edited gallery Delivered in Colour and Black and White
Photo will be Resolution photos


Gold package

1 hour photoshoot
Can Include up to two horses
Professionally edited gallery Delivered in colour and Black and white
Photos are all high resolution
€50 print credit


Buddy Package

90 minute photoshoot
2 people
Each person can have up to two horses
10 professionally edited pictures each of your choice
€40 to purchasing remainder of unedited
pictures from gallery.
Photos all high Resolution


Stallion/sales package

Location of your choice
fully edited gallery delivered
Photo will all be high resolution
extra €30 for video


Livestock Package

Images will be delivered on an online gallery
advertisement Included in price
€30 for additional video
contact for a quote on 0830062043


Black Background Portraits

45 minute photoshoot
1 horses extra for additional horses
fully edited gallery of Blackbackground photos delivered


Pet Portraits

1 hour Photoshoot
Location of your choice
This can Include up to two animals
fully edited gallery delivered


Event prices

Extra Information

  • Turnover time for sales pictures will be 1-3 days (video will also be 3 days)
  • Turnover for photoshoots will be 1-2 weeks.
  • For black backgrounds a shed or stables entrance is needed for dark background effect.
  • Its is recommended to have horses clean and tidy to get the best pictures possible.



  • 6 X 4 6
  • 5 X 7 7
  • 6 X 8 9
  • 8 X 1O 11
  • 8 X 12 12
  • 10 X 12 14
  • 12 X 16 16
  • 12 X 18 18



  • 12 X 12 50
  • 16 X 16 65


  • 12 X 16 55
  • 16 X 24 70


  • 12 X 24 60
  • 16 X 32 90